Sunday, September 8, 2024
Trinitytide Proper 18 8:30 AM or 10:00 AM View 10:00 AM online: Readings:
September 12 @ 7:00 PM - Mothers Prayer Group
September 14 @ 9:00 AM - Pancake Prayer Breakfast September 20-22 - Evangelism Life Weekend October 5 @ 10:30 AM - Pet Blessing The 2024 Saints season begins in just a few weeks and once again, Good Shepherd is making the season more interesting and enjoyable by once again offering our 100 square Saints Pool Fundraiser.
You simply purchase one of the 100 squares available. Each square is only $30 and its your square for the entire Saints season--all 17 games! Once the pool is filled, numbers will be randomly drawn and assigned to each of the squares. Each quarter of each game (no OT) will result in one lucky winner. The payout for each winner in each quarter is $25 and this will be paid out all season, for every quarter, of every game. To get your square, please see Mel Aucoin or Carl Scallan. This Sunday at our 10:00 AM service we will offer prayers and blessings over all our students and teachers!
The next meeting of the Good Shepherd Church Parish Council will be this Sunday following the 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist.
Earlier in July, Good Shepherd hosted Master Arthur Robertson, III and students of White Tiger Christian Martial Arts who performed an informative and entertaining demonstration of martial arts for self-defense. Good Shepherd's own black belt Ricky Gonzales also had a role in leading the demonstration team.
Please enjoy some photos from this event. Earlier this month, Good Shepherd hosted Vacation Bible School and what a great time we had! Very special thanks to VBS Director Margaret Aucoin and all who helped make this event happen!
Please enjoy some photos from VBS. On Saturday, July 20, Good Shepherd will host Grand Master Arthur Robertson, III of White Tiger Christian Martial Arts who, along with his team, will offer a free self-defense demonstration class. This class is open to everyone, regardless of age or ability, and everyone who attends will walk away better informed in how to protect and defend themselves in the event that it is called for. The class will begin at 10:00 AM in the fellowship and will run until approximately 11:30 or noon. The class is free and open to the public. Please invite friends and family. A sign up sheet is available in the narthex to help us plan for the approximate number of people in attendance. See Ms. Sandy Graci for more information. This year, our Vacation Bible School students will be going camping in the great outdoors and learning the ways of the Lord!
VBS will begin this Friday, July 12 at 4:00 PM until 8:00 PM and will pick up again on Saturday morning at 9:00 AM and close at 1:00 PM. On Sunday morning, campers will return to church and share some of what they learned with us at our 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist. After church on Sunday, the VBS students will be treated to a party to include ice cream and a bounce house! Registration is now open and free for all students ages Pre K - 13 years old. Registration link: The latest edition of the Shepherd's Voice Newsletter is now available for download and hard copies are available in the narthex.
To download your copy, please visit: |
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