Sunday, December 15, 2024
Advent 3 8:30 AM or 10:00 AM View 10:00 AM online: Readings:
We will hold our annual Live Nativity on Saturday, December 14 at 5:00 PM.
Volunteers need for Wise men and Shepherds. Come sing with the angels! Arrive 4:20 to costume, first come first served! This year’s Holy Family will be Noah Huntly, wife and baby! We'll also draw the winners of our Christmas Cash Raffle at the Live Nativity. Raffle tickets are still available for $5 each (or 6 for $25) with two winners each receiving $250! Mark Your Calendar!
Saturday, December 14 @ 5:00 PM - Live Nativity Sunday, December 15 @ 8:30 & 10:00 AM - Third Sunday of Advent Sunday, December 22 @ 8:30 & 10:00 AM - Fourth Sunday of Advent and New Member Sunday Tuesday, December 24 @ 5:00 PM - Christmas Eve by Candlelight We will welcome "New Members" on Sunday, December 22. If you would like to be received into the local parish that is Good Shepherd Church and officially become a member of our Family of Faith, please let Fr. Randall know as soon as possible.
As is the custom at Good Shepherd, the last Sunday of the Church year will include the remembrance of those in our families and family of faith who returned home to the Lord during the Church year.
Totenfest will be held NEXT Sunday, November 24. If you would like to remember a heavenward passing, please place the person's name on a prayer noting "Totenfest" and place in the offering basket or contact the church office. This Sunday, November BLACK & GOLD Sunday at Good Shepherd!
As usual, parishioners are encouraged to wear their Saints gear to church and bring a dish for sharing at the potluck lunch. Following the 10:00 AM service, we'll move over to the fellowship hall to share in food, fun, and fellowship. Please bring a covered dish to share as we root our Saints on against the Panthers.
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